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How to function with definitive Dates & outcomes in JS?

Writer: AdminAdmin

The dates in JS can be quite significant when it comes to our birth date or any auspicious date. Similarly, the date factor plays a great role in the Javascript code whenever needed.

It seems amazing how people used to date and time to record any ancient event. We wouldn't have got some precious illustrations without it. Let's know all about the illustrations in the date objects in JS now.

JavaScript Dates and its objects/methods

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What is the date and time in JS?

The date in JS and the time in Javascript can be utilized to add, notify, and manage the date duration. We can also create a brand new date or change the existing ones. The same goes for the time properties too.

What are the Date Objects?

We shall build a date object in the program or JS code. We just need to apply the new Date( ).

Ex- let now = new Date( ); alert( now ); 

It specifies the present time and date. 

The JS will give the current date for no arguments such as a new Date();.

The date object can be keyed in with any arguments too like the new Date(“2023-06-23”);. Anyhow, the clock can't run inside the object. It still employs the computer's clock to provide the desired date and time flow or something like the above outcome.

What Does the Date Output Look Like?

The output of the date object has many types that depend on the multiple characteristics.

For eg: const a = new Date(“2023-06-23”);. 

It now sends the result of Fri Mar 25 2022 05:30:00 GMT+0530 (India Standard Time). Hence the output.

The web browser operates with the system's time setup to show the date in a full sequence. Unlike the date code in the javascript, the time runs in the device and the date object can function with that. There appear to be numerous ways to create a date object as follows.

How to create Date objects?

The date can be produced in several forms with the help of a new Date( ); the most common way as mentioned below

  • new Date( ); brings the ongoing time and date.

  • new Date(date string) or new Date(“09-10-2015”) brings the full date string.

  • new Date(year, month, and so on). It permits the date to be composed in the seven figures. It arises as a year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond or so.

  • Likewise, you can avail of individual options via six nos, five nos, four nos, three nos, and two nos. You can not code with the single no because the system will treat it as milliseconds. Ex- new Date(milliseconds).

  • Other few objects can be made like this for instance.

Ex- new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute, second); or 

new Date(year, month, day, hour, minute,); and so on.
  • The exception here is you won't be able to write the single item that is year alone. You can't write the month no. twelve too. After all, the JS has the months starting from zero to eleven alone.

How to create Date methods?

There happen to be distinct methods that you can get your answer from the date object. The methods have been differentiated as Date get methods and Date set methods.

  • The date get method will return the date from the designated object yet not the latest one.

  • The date set method can set the date value as to which the object has been assigned.

  • It doesn't particularly involve the date we follow daily, instead the date to be set. Regardless, we need to always remember that time is not ticking in reality but just placed as objects.

What are the major Get date methods?

  • getFullYear()- offers the full-year value. Try never writing the getYear() as it became denounced and allows only two nos of a year.

  • getMonth()= date as a number from 0 to 11.

  • getDate()- date as a no. from 1 to 31

  • getDay()- date as a no. from 0 to 6 since the first day denotes zero.

  • getHours()- date as a no. from 0 to 23.

  • getMinutes()- date as a no. from 0 to 59.

  • getSeconds()- date as no. from 0 to 59 again.

  • getMilliseconds()- date as a no. from 0 to 999.

  • getTime()- date as no. of milliseconds from the allotted year, month, and day.

What are some basic Set date methods?

  • setDate()- sets the date in nos from 0 to 31.

  • setFullYear()- date in four digits.

  • setHours()- date in the no. form 0 to 23.

  • setMilliseconds()- date in the no. form 0 to 999.

  • setMinutes()- date in the no. form 0 to 59.

  • setMonth()- date in the no. form 0 to 11.

  • setSeconds()- date in the no. form 0 to 59.

  • setTime()- date in the no. from as milliseconds and zeros.


We gave the complete information on the date, date objects, date methods, and so on. I am sure it will be interesting for aspiring students like you to function with those in real-time. Yeah, how about you work with the objects of date and the full Javascript coding? Yes, we have just the perfect thing for you.

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What is the data type of dates in JS?

Would you believe it if I told you there doesn't a data type exist for the date in JS? However, we can benefit from its methods and objects. It seems quite enough to get, set, and calculate the definitive date objectives.

What are the benefits of a date object?

  • The JavaScript date object has the benefit of a built-in date that influences the age and time.

  • The new Date( ) does the task of producing the current date and time version of your system.

  • getMonth() and getHours() date methods are used to pull certain elements from the date objects.

What are the descriptions of dates in JS?

  • Javascript strictly follows the ISO date format. The international standard captures the date as year, month then day. Ex- 2023-06-21

  • The short date has the format of month, day, and year. Ex- 06-21-2023

  • Whereas the long date has June 21 2023 or 21 June 2023 formats.

Do watch the video on dates in JS-


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