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JS Number Functions, a simple manual for newbies

Writer's picture: AdminAdmin

Numbers can be as fascinating as you would want them to be ever since their discovery. Did you know that ancient India sowed the seed for the creation of numbers?

Numbers convention happened with the so-called arithmetic operations, geometry, and trigonometry. It has also come alive to build temples and rituals in the initial Vedic period.

JS numbers

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Number, a majestic mathematical thing

The number becomes a prime like we cannot go without them for a moment or so. Yes, we use it right from our school, college, office, banks, markets or to count money.

As essential as it may seem, our ancestors did keep count even before the innovation. They just put tally symbols on the cave walls or even bones that represent each mark as one digit. Hence, the importance of numbers.

The JS number function is nothing but a decimal value or number value itself for instance. It presents the numeric units of an object that can be either an integer or a loading point. Ex- JS number means Number() so that you can make the number item or number object. 

  • JS has been made up of objects and the number occurs to be one of them too.

  • Var a=new Number(unit value).

  • Here the unit value can be translated to a whole number and if it can't then it returns a NAN(Not A Number).

How to convert binary to decimal in JS?

The binary digit can be utilized in every digital device like a computer, laptop, tablet, and so on. It is a set of zero 0 and one 1 that specifies the number with base 2. The main method of binary to decimal conversion goes on via parseInt().

  • The parseInt function helps in extracting the number from the string.

  • Whereas, the base can be described as parameters.

  • Ex- let binary = ”1010”; let output = parseInt(binary, base);

  • Now, binary= string of the binary no. & base=base of the binary string.

  • Thus, it brings the exact decimal value with the base value of 2.

 Biggest mutual divisor (gcd) of two integers in JS

You would have studied all about finding the greatest common divisor of two nos in school. Let me rewind, the gcd of two integers becomes the single number that divides both nos. For eg: the numbers 10 and 12 can both be divided by 2. Therefore 2 is the gcd of 10 & 12.

  • The gcd between the two values will be determined in JS using a particular coding task.

  • The gcd of two or more nos can even be found with the common no for all.

  • Accordingly, you can also obtain the gcd by making the gcd of pairs of numbers repeatedly.

  • For Eg: 

gcd(x, y, z) = gcd(x, gcd(y, z));

gcd(x, y, z) = gcd(gcd(x, y), z);

  • Then you can check for the result and if the result comes to one the program returns it.

More on Number()

When you need to convert the boolean and dates to nos you need to employ a unique method as follows:

  • Number(true);

  • Number(false);

  • Number(new Date () );

  • Consequently, Number() returns 0 or 1 for booleans.

  • Number() returns in a string representation for the existing date and time as well.


As you know, the world can't go on without making use of the numbers in today’s modern world. The JS number functions have no exception for this. It also makes it more obvious that all computer languages incorporate their tools and techniques. What we do is to lend a hand to work with. 

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What are the five main numbers methods in JS?

  • toString(): No as a string

  • toExponential(): No as exponential notation

  • toFixed(): No as several decimals

  • toPrecision(): No as specified length

  • ValueOf(): No as a number

Why do the numbers seem immutable in Javascript?

Numbers emerge to be immutable which simply means unchangeable. The system automatically copies the number when it's assigned to a variable keyword let or const. I suppose you can only alter it when you allocate a new value to the variable.

What is the purpose of JS numbers?

Numbers are basic data types that can translate a string or any value to a number. When it can't be converted, it withdraws NAN. Ex: const x = 3; const z = 1.02; and it can be as easy as it is to designate numbers in JS. No need to notify for integer or floating values via int or so on.

Click to see a visual treat of JS number functions and more-


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